Free HVAC Upgrades

Precision Air Conditioning Tune-Ups
Condenser coil cleanings, precise diagnostics, and refrigerant level adjustments.
Western Heating & Cooling will provide up to a total of 1 lb of refrigerant per eligible unit per property at no cost. For example, a property with 50 qualified units would be eligible for up to 50 lbs of refrigerant at no cost even though some units may need more than 1 lb of refrigerant, some units may need less than 1 lb refrigerant, and some units may not require any additional refrigerant.

High Efficiency Blower Fan Motors and WCCs
Reduce repair costs and with early retirement of your old standard efficiency PSC blower fan motors before they fail with new high efficiency BPM motors.
Standard efficiency PSC motors really on capacitors, one of the most common parts in an HVAC system to fail. High efficiency BPM motors are more reliable because they do not use capacitors. Note: the compressor and condenser fan motors will continue to rely on capacitors.

Nest E Smart Thermostats
Installation of new, easy to use, Nest E Smart Thermostats are an investment in your property that increases the satisfaction of your tenants.
The Best Smart Thermostat by The Wirecutter | A New York Times Company: https://thewirecutter.com/reviews/the-best-thermostat/

Step 1
Complete and return the required program participation request paperwork.
Email the completed forms to: contact@westerncooling.com
Fax the completed forms to:
Step 2
We will submit the participation documents to the PGE& Multifamily Cooling Optimizer Program Administrator to confirm eligibility and notify you of the results.
Step 3
We will schedule an appointment to have one of our technicians evaluate the feasibility of installing the Free HVAC Upgrades at your property. We will need access to one or more of the dwelling units to inspect the HVAC equipment (vacant units work great for this).
Step 4 (Final Step)
Schedule and perform the Free HVAC Upgrades.
High Efficiency Blower Fan Motor Retrofits Performed
PG&E ACQC Field Quality Control Award Winner
Contractor of the Year Award Winner
Committed to Quality